I'm Judith, a coach, business woman, yogini, philanthropist & passionate optimist ready to help you step into your excellence.
It's a pleasure to meet you
My Story
An oddity amongst Swiss bankers
I grew up in the UK and have lived in the French-speaking part of Switzerland for the past 30 years. I studied languages at university and have enjoyed a successful career in financial services in London and Geneva.
I was considered an oddity amongst Swiss bankers because I did not have a typical university degree in economics, finance, or business studies. I tried to “fill this gap” by taking additional qualifications, many of which were torture for someone with my background! 
Discovering my passion for people
Finally, in my 40s I began to realise that my strengths lay with my ability to listen deeply to my clients and build their trust to act as their advocate within the bank (and not in trying to master complex calculations). I was never going to get passionate about investing but I was passionate about people, figuring out what made them tick and hearing their stories. And I was passionate about giving them the best service I could.
Taking time to reflect on the next phase of my life
I became an expert in the complex world of ultra-high net worth clients and their wealth by listening to their stories. I am still working as a non-executive, but in 2012 I quit full time employment and decided to get more strategic about the next phase of my life. I wanted to figure out what would give meaning to my life.
I realized that I had been on the path of chasing success, defining myself by my work.  I am proud of what I achieved, but I realized that I had spent little time tending to the desires of my heart and my soul.
"Who is Judith, really?"
I decided to go on a search for Judith!  Who am I really?  What makes me feel alive? What would make me feel like I have lived a good life? What am I here for?  And if I had a blank piece of paper with no financial constraints, how would I direct the rest of my life?
Gosh, these questions were not easy to answer, and my newfound freedom left me very lost about how to spend my time and how to figure out what I really loved. 

A trip I took to the Atacama Desert in Chile
The start of a spiritual journey
My spiritual quest started with a yoga teacher training course. I started to delve into the ancient teachings on what makes a good life and learnt that taking care of my body and
stilling my mind was as important as filling my mind with facts.
I made life-changing trips to the remote Jhamtse Gatsal’s Childrens Community in the far northeastern province of India where life is as tough as it gets. There I learnt that happiness does not come from material gains.  The teachings of Kind Heart, Healthy Body and Awakening Mind were palpable in the interactions with the children and staff. I had never felt so loved and accepted.  I frequented the humble but inspirational Lobsang, founder of the school, who is living his life purpose. He taught me how we can transform our own challenging life experiences and turn them into our gift to the world.
I decided to offer my help and be of service to the Community. The community taught me above all how important it is to become the best version of ourselves. To do this, we need to embrace our uniqueness in all its beauty and messiness and offer our talents and experience in service to others. If I couldn’t immediately figure out my purpose, I did know it starts with something bigger than myself.

The first of many visits to the remote Jhamtse Gatsal’s Childrens Community
Getting clear on my unique talents
Over time I understood that finding my purpose meant that I needed to be clear about my talents.  I had always been a people pleaser! I had an antenna for figuring out what made the other person tick by listening deeply. I now know the darker side of this trait, but I also know I desire deep authentic connection. Knowing that my passion lies in understanding humans and humanity, I started my first coaching training in 2014. I am curious and love learning about us humans. I wanted to be able to support others in their journey of personal transformation and at the same time continue my own journey. I get so much inspiration from my clients’ stories.